300% match bonus up to €5,000!

Irwin Austria Bookmaker Review

Welcome bonus 300% bonus on the first 3 deposits
  • A large number of sports to bet on
  • Mobile iOS and Android apps
  • Generous welcome bonus
  • Cashout feature
  • Live betting
  • A limited number of promos
  • No live streams

Irwin is a relatively new sports betting platform that began its operations in 2024. It belongs to the well-known company GALAKTIKA N.V. It accepts Austrian bettors and provides them with top-quality betting opportunities on various sporting events with real funds in various modes.

Users can get attractive bonuses, complete registration quickly, and use many handy betting tools. In this article, you will have a chance to learn more about Irwin.



The bookmaker offers a full list of handy betting options, from a generous welcome deal to multiple sporting championships and proven payment providers.

Irwin Bookmaker Overview
🌐 Official websiteirwin.casino/de
🎁 Welcome bonus300% bonus on the first 3 deposits
 ⚽️ Sports30+
💳 Payment methodsCrypto, bank cards, eWallets
📱Mobile AppAndroid and iOS
🧾 LicensingOGL/2024/169/0146 (Curacao Gaming Control Board)
🆘Customer serviceLive chat, telegram, email, and social platforms


Is Irwin Bookie Legal?

Austrian bettors can wager at Irwin without any worries because the bookmaker operates under license number OGL/2024/169/0146, issued by the Curacao Gaming Control Board. Its main office is located at Scharlooweg 39, Willemstad, Curaçao. The license obliges the bookie to follow certain rules, such as not letting underage users access the platform and providing quality betting services.


Is Irwin Bookie Safe?

Users can enjoy a safe gaming space and a positive atmosphere at Irwin. The bookie uses SSL data encryption technology to protect sensitive user information from leaks and exposures. The bookie asks its users to create strong passwords and requires them to change them occasionally. Every member must register and verify their identity to make money transfers and bets.


Bonuses and Promotions at Irwin Bookmaker

Irwin has some exciting deals for its members. Both new and existing users can claim lucrative gifts to boost their wagers and get bigger wins. Currently, the platform features the following bonus deals:

Bonus TypeDescription
🎁Welcome package300% bonus on the first three deposits
💲Sports cashbackUp to 20%
🥇Reload bonusA free bet of up to 15€


Welcome Bonus

Members can acquire a generous welcome package that is divided across the three first deposits. To activate the freebie, a player must top up their account with 10€. The bonus funds should be used to place an accumulator bet with odds of 1.5 or higher. The package is exclusively valid for newbies.


Other Offers & Promotions

Long-term punters also have an opportunity to claim Irwin’s ongoing deals. These are available every week for members who comply with the requirements. Currently, users who wager often can get the following freebies:

  • Up to 20% sports cashback. Irwin will compensate you for your losses with cashback. Make bets with odds of 1.5 or 2.25 throughout the week, and you will be granted a refund every Monday.
  • Reload bonus in the form of a free bet of up to 15€. If you bet at least 30€, you can receive a free bet as a refund to make another wager on a sporting event.

The bookmaker also has some seasonal offers with shorter active periods.


Loyalty Program

Punters who register with Irwin automatically become members of the VIP program. There are 4 stages bettors can go through: Light, Spark, Flash, and Volt. Every level has different privileges, such as personalized bonuses, 24/7 exclusive support, unlimited withdrawals, and more. Be an active bettor and earn points to upgrade your level.


Registration at Irwin Bookmaker

Registration on the Irwin platform is obligatory for anyone who wants to bet with real funds. The process is not confusing and requires users to submit key data about themselves. Follow these instructions, and it will only take a couple of minutes to register:

  • 1

    Begin the signup process by clicking on the “Sign Up” option.

  • 2

    Come up with a strong password and enter your email address. Choose the type of welcome bonus you want.

    Irwin Casino Austria
  • 3

    Enter your birth date, gender, and full name.

    Irwin Casino Austria
  • 4

    Continue filling in the information, including your residential address and contact number.

You are almost done. Confirm your email address and phone number so you can top up your account. Austrian users also have a chance to register using Telegram or Google. The process and options are standardized across the app and mobile website.


Deposits & Withdrawals

Irwin cooperates with proven and trustworthy financial providers. Therefore, members can make fast and convenient money transfers. The platform charges no fees for either deposits or withdrawals. Punters can choose between standard and more innovative payment options. Currently, the list of options is as follows:

Payment MethodMin-Max Deposit (in EUR)TimeMin-Max Withdrawal (in EUR)Time
Mastercard payment logo10€ – 4,000€Instant10€ – 4,000€Up to 24 hours
Flexepin10€ – 4,000€Instant10€ – 4,000€Instant
Betting sites with bitcoin0.0001 BTC – unlimitedInstant0.00013333 BTC – unlimitedInstant
Ethereum payment logo0.002 ETH – unlimitedInstant0.005 ETH – unlimitedInstant
Tether payment logo5 USDT – unlimitedInstant10,000 USDT – 50,000 USDTInstant



Irwin establishes limits on the deposits and withdrawals punters can make and the amounts they can wager. Based on the information published, the lowest possible deposit is 10€, while the largest amount can be 4,000€ or unlimited if you transfer using crypto. This is also the same for withdrawals.

The minimum bet amount you can make at Irwin’s is 1€. The maximum amount is not established because it varies depending on the sport and competition. VIPs have slightly increased withdrawal limits based on their statuses, and these can reach up to 10,000€.


Sports Betting at Irwin Bookie

The brand offers a very broad number of sports and even more events to bet on. Bettors can make different types of wagers, from singles and accumulators to system bets. In the following list, you can view the most popular sports available at Irwin:

Table tennis
Ice Hockey
Martial arts

In addition to these sports, punters can bet on sumo and squash, which we haven’t seen often on other platforms. Moreover, the brand allows its users to bet on social events like the Grammys and the Oscars. The number of betting markets is also quite broad and includes the following options:

Double Chance
First half/Second half
Draw no bet
Both teams to score, etc.

The availability of these betting markets changes according to the sport and type of competition. Bettors can choose any game or match and check the markets. When you decide on your selections, simply click on the odds and type in the bet size. If the game ends the way you predicted, your balance will be credited automatically.


Live Betting

Irwin has a popular live betting section that is very exciting, and it allows users to bet on multiple events. The sports selection is somewhat limited, but it includes popular disciplines like football, tennis, basketball, and ice hockey.

Punters can make bets from the moment the match begins until it ends. Also, the bookmaker allows users to activate a cashout feature to receive their winnings before the match finishes. This wagering mode also includes all the most popular betting markets.


Irwin Bookmaker: Casino Section

Irwin boasts a solid set of titles supplied by top-tier gaming providers, such as Microgaming, 3Oaks Gaming, Evolution, and over 10 others. The website also has several gaming sections, such as slots, live casinos, instant games, tables, and bonus buys.

Some of them are available in a free demo mode. Players can choose any of the titles to have a wonderful experience because their average RTP rate is over 90%.


Irwin Bookmaker Mobile App

Irwin cares about its punters, so it developed two functional applications for devices that run on iOS and Android. Both programs feature all the games, competitions, functionality, and options available on the standard bookie’s website. However, they have a slightly different design for improved interaction on a small screen.

Main Menu

Punters who don’t wish to download and install any apps can easily access the Irwin betting site via any mobile browser. This way, they can access betting content at any time and from any place. Bettors can still claim all the bonuses offered on the Irwin platform.


Irwin Bookie Odds & Margins

Bookies take a fee from every bet. The size of their margin varies, and it is only natural that the lower the margin is, the better it is for punters because they can get a bigger prize. Currently, Irwin Bookmaker’s margin rates for different sports are as follows:

Ice Hockey8.59%


Customer Support and Available Languages

Facing a problem when betting can ruin the entire experience, so Irwin provides some options that punters can use to get assistance:

Communication optionContactAverage response time
Live ChatOn the websiteAlmost instant
Emailirwin@support.winWithin an hour
Telegram Bothttps://t.me/irwin_support_botInstant

Customer care is available around the clock and from any device. The operators speak German, English, and Russian. They can deal with your complaints and send you detailed instructions, links, and other materials.

Live chat is the fastest and most convenient support communication channel. Irwin has pages on social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and Telegram. It publishes all the latest news and materials there to keep its punters updated.


Usability, Design, and User Experience

After testing the Irwin platform, we can confirm that it is very convenient and intuitive. Everything is well laid out, meaning you can find all the functions to start placing bets in no time. The front header panel contains all the information about the categories of entertainment you can try here. Its design is simple but modern, without any irrelevant elements, so it doesn’t feel cluttered.


Responsible Gambling

The Irwin brand cares about all its punters, especially the most vulnerable ones. Thus, to prevent any harm to their mental and physical health, the bookie offers a useful set of options and tools that can help them wager responsibly:

Loss Limits
Wager limits
Session limits
Deposit limits
Cool-off period
Reality check

If you require help, contact professional organizations such as Gamblers Anonymous.

FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
  • The platform features all the most popular sports, from football and basketball to tennis and volleyball.

  • Visit the “App” section and download the Android or iOS application by following the bookmaker’s instructions.

  • Austrian punters can only withdraw their bonuses after they have met the wagering requirements.

  • Punters can make real-time bets when they enter the live betting section.

Victoria Michael
Editor-in-Chief from St. Louis, Missouri, USA. B.A. in education, certified linguist. Future Writer Award winner.
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