
Lex Bulgaria Bookmaker Review

300% signup pack on the first three deposits
  • live streams;
  • cashout feature;
  • swift support;
  • live betting mode;
  • wide range of payment providers.
  • a limited number of bonuses;
  • no bet builder.

Lex Bookmaker began operations in 2024. The brand belongs to one of the best-known gaming operators — GALAKTIKA N.V. Although it’s a newcomer, the platform has been recognized by many bettors who found the bonuses, convenient navigation, access to international sporting events, and other features some of the best in the market. In the article, you will learn more about this brand and familiarize yourselves with its powerful betting options.


Lex Bulgaria BookmakerLex Bulgaria Bookmaker

Lex offers many useful features, such as cashouts, live betting, and coverage of many competitions. For more detailed information, take a look at the table below:

Lex Bookmaker Overview
🎁Welcome Bonus300% signup pack on the first three deposits
💳Payment OptionseWallets, bank cards, crypto
📱Mobile AppsAndroid, iOS
🆘Customer ServiceLive chat, email, Telegram chat, social platforms
📃Bookmaker’s licenseOGL/2024/169/0146 (Curaçao Gaming Control Board)

Is Lex Bookmaker Legal?

This bookmaker operates legally in the Bulgarian gaming market. It holds a reputable license issued by the Curaçao Gaming Control Board and has an office registered at Scharlooweg 39, Willemstad, Curaçao. This allows the bookie to offer live and pre-match real-money betting services. It may accept punters from Bulgaria and provide them with full access to all the content on the platform.

Is Lex Bookmaker Safe?

Lex is a secure website that ensures the protection of all sensitive user data stored there. The company uses 124-bit SSL encryption and requires users to undergo a verification process. This ensures that no fraud or exposure can take place, and punters may feel comfortable making money transfers and providing their personal data.

Bonuses and Promotions at Lex

Bonuses and Promotions at LexBonuses and Promotions at Lex

New and long-term bettors can find attractive and lucrative bonuses and promos at Lex. At the time of writing this review, the offers players can claim are as follows:

Bonus TypeDescription
👋Welcome package300% signup pack on the first three deposits
🎁Accumulator bonus100% boost for accumulator bets
🏆Reload bonusA free bet of up to 15€ (30 BGN)
💸Cashout offerEarly payout for live events

Welcome Bonus

When you register on the Lex platform and are ready to make your first deposit of at least 10€ (20 BGN), you can claim an exclusive 300% welcome deal that is valid for the first three deposits. The offer has a wagering requirement of x10 and is suitable for bets with odds of 1.5 and higher.

Other Offers & Promotions

Regular bettors can claim other valuable offers that can enhance their betting experience on the platform. Currently, the list of deals is as follows:

  1. Accumulator bonus. Here, punters who like to build accumulators with at least three selections can have a 100% boost on their bets. The odds should not be lower than 1.5.
  2. Reload bonus. A bookie can grant users a free bet worth 15€ (30 BGN). The only condition is that the punter should place bets worth 30€ (59 BGN) to activate the freebie.
  3. Cashout offer: This offer is available for live betting and allows users to receive an early payout before the game finishes.

These deals are valid once a week for long-term punters. Users need to comply with their rules to activate them.

Loyalty Program

After you join Lex, you automatically become a member of its VIP club. It has four levels and promises many benefits, including a personal manager, unlimited and faster support, birthday gifts, increased payout limits, and other customizable offers. You start from the Basic level and move further to climb to the Standard, Hero, and Legend stages.

Registration at Lex

Before you can access the Lex platform, you need to undergo the registration procedure. It is not complicated, but following the instructions will help you complete it faster and without any problems:

  • 1

    Open the bookmakers’ official website and click the ‘Sign Up’ button.

    Registration at Lex Registration at Lex
  • 2

    Specify your email address and come up with a strong password. Select a bonus type.

    Lex Registration bonus Lex Registration bonus
  • 3

    Provide your date of birth, postcode, and gender.

    Lex Registration Lex Registration
  • 4

    Enter your full address and mobile phone number into the empty boxes.

    Registration Lex bookmaker Registration Lex bookmaker

Your account is almost ready; you simply need to verify your identity and contact details. Log into your profile, and in the ‘Security’ section, be ready to upload copies of official documents. Confirm your email address and phone number using the secret codes the bookmaker will send you. Once this is done, you can make a real money transfer to top up your balance.

Deposits & Withdrawals

Lex cooperates with many reliable and well-known financial providers. The brand cares about its users by ensuring safety and fast money transfers:

Payment ServiceMin. – Max. DepositTransaction periodFeesMin. – Max. WithdrawalFeesTransaction period
Visa10€ (20 BGN) – 500€ (978 BGN)InstantNo20€ (40 BGN) – 2,000€ (3,912 BGN)NoUp to 24 hours
Mastercard10€ (20 BGN) – 500€ (978 BGN)InstantNo20€ (40 BGN) – 2,000€ (3,912 BGN)NoUp to 24 hours
Jeton10€ (20 BGN) – 5,000€ (9,778 BGN)InstantNo10€ (20 BGN) – 5,000€ (9,778 BGN)NoInstant
Mifinity10€ (20 BGN) – 2,500€ (4,890 BGN)InstantNo10€ (20 BGN) – 2,500€ (4,890 BGN)NoInstant
Ethereum100 ETH- unlimitedInstantNo0.005 ETH – unlimitedNoInstant
USDT5 USDT – unlimitedInstantNo5 USDT – unlimitedNoInstant
BTC0.0001 BTC – unlimitedInstantNo0.0002 BTC – unlimitedNoInstant


The brand has betting and transaction limits. The minimum deposit is only 10€ (20 BGN), while its maximum is 5,000€ (9,778 BGN). If you pay in crypto, there are no limits at all. The withdrawal limits can reach up to 10,000 € (20,000 BGN) for VIP members at the highest levels. The minimum wager amount is 1€ (2 BGN), while the maximum size depends on the match and bet type.

Sports Betting at Lex

Bulgarian bettors have full access to the contents of the Lex betting website. They can make real-money wagers on the following sports:

ice hockey
table tennis
water polo
biathlon, etc.

Punters also get to bet on popular events such as the Grammys and the Oscars. Lex allows users to make wagers of differing complexities, from singles to accumulators and system bets, with multiple selections within them. Also, the range of betting markets is extensive and includes the following:

  • Double chance;
  • Totals;
  • 1×2;
  • Handicap;
  • Odds/Even;
  • Over/Under;
  • Draw No Bet;
  • Next Goal;
  • Correct Score;
  • Asian Total, etc.

The set of markets varies from match to match. Bettors have a chance to make pre-match and live bets on many international and local championships and competitions. To place a wager, you need to choose a game and market and add your selection to the bet slip by clicking on the odds. Build as many bets as you need and confirm them by indicating the amount and placing your wager. Wait for the game to end and check the results.

Live Betting

Lex Live Betting Lex Live Betting 

The platform offers its registered users the ability to place live bets on popular sports such as basketball, tennis, and football. By choosing this mode, bettors have a chance to make wagers from the time a game begins until the moment it finishes. The list of available markets and games is available in the ‘Live Betting’ subsection after you move to the ‘Sports’ section. You can activate a live stream and watch the whole game while you wager.

Lex Bookmaker: Casino Section

Another part of the Lex platform features casino entertainment. The brand has different gaming sections, from slots to live casino games. Players can try slot machines from world-famous gaming software developers such as Belatra, BGaming, and others. Also, punters can play their titles with real funds or in demo mode. Users can also play popular table and live games such as blackjack, poker, and baccarat. These make them feel like they are playing in a real-life casino.

Lex Mobile App

Lex Mobile AppLex Mobile App

To provide more convenience, Lex offers punters the ability to download and install its app on iOS and Android mobile devices. Apple users can follow a link on the Lex platform to be redirected to the App Store, where they can safely download the program. Android users can follow instructions on the bookmaker’s website to get the application.

Lex offers an optimized mobile platform that’s accessible via any browser. It is a smaller version of the regular Lex betting site, but it has all the features, options, and bonuses. The only difference is that the adjusted design allows smaller screens to show all the sections correctly.

Lex Odds & Margins

Lex is attractive for sports bettors due to its relatively high odds. Compared to other bookmakers, this platform has lower margins in football, basketball, tennis, and other sports. Punters have 24/7 access to all the matches and events within leagues. The average amount earned by the platform on each sport is as follows:


Customer Support and Available Languages

Lex Customer SupportLex Customer Support

Bettors at Lex can get swift and comprehensive support and assistance 24/7. The bookmaker provides several communication options so punters can comfortably select what they find more appropriate. Aside from the methods listed in the table, you can reach Lex via social platforms like Facebook, X, Telegram, and Instagram.

OptionContact InformationAverage Response Time
Live chatOn the webpageUp to a minute
Telegram chathttps://t.me/LEX_support_botIn a minute
Emailhelp-lex@support.winIn an hour

Punters can get help in various languages, from English to German and Russian, using the options mentioned above. However, in urgent cases, it is better to send a message via the live chat. This is available on the standard and mobile bookmaker platforms and in the apps.

Usability, Design, and User Experience

Main Page
Lex Home Page
Sports Betting
Lex Sports Betting
Bonuses and Promotions
Lex Bonuses and Promotions

Based on player feedback, Lex offers a convenient site with clear navigation and an easy-to-use interface. The overall platform design features calming colors, beautifully made buttons and sections, and visually perceptive elements. If punters encounter problems, they can always click the ‘Live Chat’ icon and get almost instant help. The bookie’s mobile websites and apps have an optimized design that shows all the important buttons and options on the front screen while the others are tucked into the menu.

Responsible Gambling

The bookmaker understands the importance of comfortable and safe betting. Therefore, to prevent addiction, it offers the following limits and methods:

Deposit limit
Wager limit
Session limit
Loss limit
Reality check
Cooling-off period

You can activate these options in your profile or via live chat. If you feel vulnerable and spot some symptoms of addiction, you can also get professional help from organizations such as BeGambleAware.

FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
  • The signup procedure is standard and only requires basic information, such as your name, date of birth, address, and contact details. It takes a couple of minutes and can be done via any device.

  • Some payment methods, such as crypto, are pretty fast. Others require several hours for the payout to be processed.

  • Cashout is one of the promotions offered at Lex. You can activate it in live betting mode.

  • The platform features over 20 betting markets. The range depends on the sport and championship.

Overall Rating
  • Trust & Fairness
  • Games & Software
  • Bonuses & Promotions
  • Customer Support
Victoria Michael
Editor-in-Chief from St. Louis, Missouri, USA. B.A. in education, certified linguist. Future Writer Award winner.
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