
Legiano Bookmaker Review in Chile

100% Bonus on first deposit reward up to €100
  • Available for use with Android and iOS smart devices
  • Provides end-to-end encryption for data, allowing for quick and safe transactions
  • Customer support is offered in several languages
  • Competitive odds
  • Limited payment methods are available
  • Customer service representatives are not available via phone

The Legiano betting platform began operations in 2025 and is a property of Liernin Enterprises Ltd. It covers over 30 sport types and supports 10+ payment methods that users can use to make easy money transfers. Read this review to learn more about the brand.


Legiano Bookmaker Credentials

The brand accepts punters from Chile and provides them with access to comprehensive tools to place sports wagers and claim lucrative bonuses.

Legiano Bookmaker in Chile: Key Facts
🌐 Official Websitelegiano.com/cl
🎁 Welcome Bonus100% first deposit bonus up to $85,000 Chilean pesos
⚽ Sports30+
💳 Payment MethodsMastercard, Cryptocurrencies
📞 Customer Service24/7 support is available via live chat and email
⚠️ Bookmaker License22-0025 (PAGCOR)


Is Legiano Legal?

The Legiano platform operates legally in Chile and allows bettors to make sports bets with real money. It accepts punters who are at least 21 years of age and provides a safe and pleasant betting atmosphere. Bettors can be sure they are playing in accordance with the law and can freely register.

Is Legiano Safe?

The Legiano betting platform is one of the safest options for players in Chile. It offers a secure connection via SSL certification. This technology encrypts all the data stored on the website and protects all the transfers you make while wagering there. As an additional measure, the platform recommends creating a solid password when you register.


Bonuses and Promotions at Legiano

Legiano Bookmaker Sports Bonuses, allbets.tv

The Legiano betting site appreciates its users and offers them five distinct bonuses. Each of them has conditions punters must adhere to before they can withdraw their winnings.

✅ First Deposit Bonus100% first deposit bonus up to $85,000 Chilean pesos
📅 Weekly Reload Bonus50% up to $425,000 Chilean pesos weekly once
🤑 Cashback Bonus10% up to $425,000 Chilean pesos on losses
⚡ Accumulator BoostUp to 100% boost on accumulator bets
🥅 2 Goals Ahead: Early PayoutWin settled if your team goes two goals ahead
🚀 Boosted OddsEnhanced odds on selected events


Welcome Bonus

The welcome reward is exceptionally valuable for newbies who have just created a profile and made their first deposit of at least 20 euros. Once you have complied with the conditions of the deal, the bonus funds will be credited automatically and will be valid for 30 days. To make a withdrawal, wager your reward ten times. You can make single and multi-bets on various sports.

Other Regular User Offers & Promotions

Bettors who wager on the platform long-term can also claim various bonuses:

Bonus TypeBonus AmountConditions
🔄 Weekly Reload Bonus$425,000 Chilean pesosAs part of the Weekly Reload Bonus, players can receive a match of up to 50% on deposits of up to $425,000 Chilean pesos each week. This incentive is ideal for frequent players since it increases their wagering amounts, which enhances their betting experience and gives them more chances to win.
🤑 Cashback Bonus$425,000 Chilean pesosAnyone looking for ways to minimize their losses can benefit from a cashback bonus because it allows them to reclaim some of their investment and keep betting with less financial strain. A maximum of $425,000 Chilean pesos (or 10% of your losses) will be reimbursed.
⚡ Accumulator BoostUp to 100%Wins on accumulator bets can be increased by up to 100% with the help of Accumulator Boost. Its capacity to enhance returns makes it a popular choice among those who want to have a chance at significantly boosting their earnings.
🥅 2 Goals Ahead: Early PayoutEarly PayoutThis football betting offer ensures an early payout for the bettor if their chosen team is two goals ahead in the game. Football bettors who want to cash out their winnings before the match finishes appreciate this feature the most.

The bookmaker is free to change the terms and conditions of these promotions.

Loyalty Program Tips

Punters become participants in the loyalty program the moment they sign up. The program has five levels, each of which offers privileges such as a personal manager, higher withdrawal limits, and other customized deals. The higher your level, the more benefits you get.


Registration at Legiano

When you decide to join the Legiano betting platform, you are required to submit information about yourself and complete the registration process. Generally, this can take up to several minutes, and after that, you get access to all the content on the website. So, follow these instructions to complete the process quickly and efficiently:

  • 1

    To access Legiano Bookmaker, open a web browser and navigate to the site., i.e., https://legiano.com/cl

    Legiano bookmaker Chile allbets.tv
  • 2

    Press the” REGISTRO” icon at the top right of the site.

    Legiano bookmaker, Chile allbets.tv
  • 3

    Select the sports option and then click the “ELIGIR” symbol, as seen in the image below.

    Legiano Bookmaker Registration bonus Chile, allbets.tv
  • 4

    When prompted, enter your email address and password after selecting “SIGUIENTE PASO.”

    Legiano Bookmaker Registration Chile (email. pass), allbets.tv
  • 5

    Click “CREAR CUENTA” after entering your address, cellphone number, gender, and date of birth.

    Legiano Finish Registration and Create Account Chile, allbets.tv

You need to specify your email and password to enter your account every time you wager at Legiano.


Deposits & Withdrawals

Legiano Payments, allbets.tv

The bookmaker supports a range of trusted and reputable financial providers that offer fast transfers without any additional commissions. Users can pick any method they like and follow the instructions on the website to launch a deposit or a withdrawal transaction. The list of available options includes cards, bank transfers, prepaid vouchers, electronic wallets, and cryptocurrencies.

Payment OptionTransaction TimeMin Deposit – Chilean PesosMax Deposit – Chilean PesosWithdrawal TimeMin Withdrawal – Chilean PesosMax Withdrawal – Chilean Pesos
Bitcoin (BTC)Instant$25,500$4,500,0001-3 days$60,000$4,500,000
Dogecoin (DOGE), USD Tether (TRC20), Litecoin (LTC)Instant$10,000$4,500,0001-3 days$10,000$4,500,000
Mastercard2–3 hours$10,000$1,800,000N/AN/AN/A
Bank TransferN/AN/AN/A1-3 days$10,000$4,500,000
MuchBetterN/AN/AN/A1-3 days$10,000$4,500,000



The lowest possible top-up amount on the Legiano betting platform is 20 euros. This is relatively normal across most bookies. The maximum possible deposit depends on the provider. Punters can start placing bets from as little as 1 euro. The maximum permitted bet size is not stated.


Sports Betting at Legiano

Legiano Sports Betting, allbets.tv

The betting opportunities at Legiano are quite extensive, and more than 30 sports are covered. You can predict the outcomes of over a thousand popular international events, including cybersports. The following disciplines are covered:

These options allow bettors to build wagers of any complexity and increase their initial odds. To place a stake, you need to pick a game and click on the odds under the corresponding markets to add your selection to a bet slip. Indicate the amount and wait for results. If your stake wins, you receive your prize automatically.


Live Betting

Legiano Bookmaker Live Betting, allbets.tv

Bettors can wager at Legiano in two ways:

  • Pre-match;
  • Live.

The latter is especially popular with users as it adds another layer of excitement to the betting process. Punters can visit the “Live Betting” section, choose the games, and observe the markets offered there.

The way you place bets is similar, but with live betting, you place wagers while the game is in progress. Additionally, if available, users can activate the “Cashout” feature to get a part of their wager back if they feel that their bet is likely to be unsuccessful.


Legiano: Casino Section

Those who seek other forms of entertainment can try the Legiano casino section, which contains a rich gaming library with numerous popular titles. The brand cooperates with eminent and reputable studios that develop slots, live dealer entertainment, and table games. These include:

Evolution Gaming;
Pragmatic Play;
Relaxed Gaming.

In total, the platform has partnered with over 80 popular providers. The games they offer have RTP rates of over 95%. Users can play titles with diverse themes, from adventure to space, dog house, and fishing.


Legiano Mobile App

Currently, the bookmaker doesn’t offer an app, but it does allow its users to set up shortcuts to the platform on their home screens. The brand understands that users want to access gambling content from their portable devices. For this reason, the site can be accessed from any mobile browser. Follow the instructions provided to set up a shortcut to the site.

It has an optimized layout, placing all the essential betting options up front while others are tucked into the menu. There are no specific technical requirements for the mobile site. Punters can easily place wagers on any sporting event, make quick money transfers, claim bonuses, and use other tools and options.


Legiano Odds & Margins

Choosing a platform with fair odds is vital when looking for a betting website. Legiano is one of the best places to find decent percentage rates. The overall margin of this betting platform is around 7% based on the payout statistics for the most popular sports.

⚽ Football1.37 – 7%
🥎 Tennis1.50 – 10%
🏀 Basketball1.50 – 9%
🥊 Boxing1.50 – 10%
🎮 eSports1.50 – 10%


Customer Support and Available Languages

Legiano Leanguage options, allbets.tv

Receiving timely support and assistance is vital. A decent support service demonstrates that a platform values its clients. Legiano provides a solid set of communication channels to allow its users to get in touch:

Contact MethodDetails
💬 Live ChatGet instant support from the Legiano Bot and customer support agents
📧 Emailsupport@legiano.com

Customer care operates around the clock, seven days a week. Simply send your inquiry or complaint from any device and request instructions and assistance whenever you like. The response times for live chat are faster than those for email. Some matters can only be resolved by email. Qualified operators will send you all the information you requested. Additionally, you can check the “Help Center” section to see if the bookie already has an answer to your question.


Usability and User Experience

Legiano Help Centre, allbets.tv

The platform is quite intuitive because it offers a simple and standard layout that consists of several navigation bars and a menu that features other options. Newbies can easily navigate the platform and find the features and options they like. If they face problems, they can send their inquiries to the support team.


Responsible Gambling

Sports betting is a very addictive hobby. Legiano is a reputable platform, and it has some options to help users avoid this problem:

Professional Help

feature. When you do this, you won’t be able to access betting content on the site for a specific length of time. You can also request contact details for reliable organizations that can provide you with assistance to help you recover from your addiction.

FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
  • Many options are available for Chilean players to get their wins out of their wallets. They have the freedom to choose the approach that best suits their requirements.

  • A 50% reload bonus of up to 425,000 Chilean pesos is available to users at Legiano Bookmaker.

  • Yes, the platform and customer agents are bilingual, so you may obtain customer care in Spanish through live chat and email.

  • With more than 30 sports to choose from, Legiano Bookmaker guarantees an entertaining betting experience.

Victoria Michael
Editor-in-Chief from St. Louis, Missouri, USA. B.A. in education, certified linguist. Future Writer Award winner.
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