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BillyBets Austria Bookmaker Review

Welcome bonus 100% up to 200 EUR
  • Easy registration process
  • Plenty of rewards and promotions
  • Fast transactions with crypto
  • Navigation is easy thanks to the friendly UI
  • Licensing information is hard to find
  • No responsible gaming methods are available

Visit BillyBets if you’re in the mood for some betting action in Austria. Established in 2024, this establishment provides a plethora of options to meet all your gambling needs! Take a look at our detailed review if you’re interested in learning more before getting started.


With a Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation license and ownership by Rabidi N. V., BillyBets has all the necessary qualifications. The platform is well-thought-out, and it provides odds for a multitude of different disciplines. It also satisfies all the requirements set by the regulator.

Established in2024
OwnerRabidi N. V.
Compatible DevicesWindows, Mac, iOS, Android
LanguagesEnglish, Norwegian, Finnish, Italian, German, French, Polish, Czech, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Slovak
Licenses22-0025 (PAGCOR)

Legally, BillyBets is a go. In addition to being owned and run by Rabidi N. V., it also has a Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation license, which means it has been tested extensively to ensure it satisfies international standards.

Is BillyBets safe?

Despite being brand new, BillyBets is cautious when it comes to customer data protection. All personal information from users is securely protected by using industry-leading SSL encryption technologies. The privacy policy makes it very clear which information it shares with third parties, and the team takes every precaution to keep all financial data secure.

Bonuses and Promotions at BillyBets

promos billybets

Gamblers have a plethora of options when it comes to incentives. In this section, we’ll go over them in further detail:

First Deposit Bonus100% up to EUR 200
Weekly Reload Bonus50% up to EUR 500
Cashback10% up to EUR 500
Accumulator BoostUp to 100%
Bore Draw100% Refund

Welcome bonus

This offer is only available to new users of the site who’ve already made a deposit. The bonus is 100% of the player’s initial deposit up to a maximum of €200. To be eligible for the reward, you must place six bets with odds of 2.00 or above, along with two multi-bets with odds higher than 1.50. Note that it doesn’t matter if your wager is a win or loss.

Other user offers & promotions

Here are some details about the other bonuses available:

  • Enjoy a weekly reload bonus of up to 50% of EUR 500 when you top up your account with more funds.
  • You can get some of your money back with the weekly reload bonus. With this offer, you can receive a 10% return up to 500 EUR.
  • Win a multi-bet with three picks and 1.40 odds every time with Accumulator Boost, and you’ll get a bonus equal to 100% of your stake.
  • If you bet on a match and it ends in a scoreless tie, you will receive a full refund!

Which one will you play for first?

Loyalty program

BillyBets boasts a five-tier VIP program with the following benefits:

  • personal VIP manager;
  • negotiable withdrawal limits;
  • tailor-made offers;
  • more on-site promotions;
  • better cashback;
  • 24/7 chat access.

Doesn’t that sound interesting?

Registration at BillyBets

BillyBets Bookmaker invites users to explore the website’s content to find betting opportunities suited to their interests. To start making bets for real money, you must register for an account on the platform. Here’s how to go about it:

  • 1

    All you have to do is click the button that matches the registration window, which is situated in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

    Step 1 registration billybets
  • 2

    The welcome bonuses for sports and casinos are just two of the many new-player incentives that are part of this excellent deal. You have the option of entering a coupon code or declining all of the offers.

    step2 billybets
  • 3

    Following your selection, the application form will be displayed. Here, you’ll need to enter your personal details.

    Step 3 registration

That’s all you have to do!

Deposits & Withdrawals

At BillyBets, you may choose from a wide variety of deposit and withdrawal methods. The following are some of the possibilities that will be offered. First, we will check the deposits:

Name of MethodDeposit Limits in Euros
Bitcoin30 – 5,000
Litecoin20 – 5,000
Doge20 – 5,000
Mastercard20 – 5,000
USDTether20 – 5,000
CashToCode20 – 400
Paysafecard20 – 1,000
Skrill20 – 5,000
Neteller20 – 5,000
Rapid Transfer20 – 5,000

The site certainly places a lot of emphasis on crypto. Anyone can join in because the minimum deposit is small, while high rollers will be entertained for hours with the maximum! The options for withdrawal will be reviewed in the following table.

Name of MethodWithdrawal Limits in Euros
Bitcoin60 – 5,000
Litecoin20 – 5,000
Doge20 – 5,000
Bank Transfer20 – 5,000
Visa20 – 3,000
MasterCard20 – 3,000
USDTether20 – 5,000

There are a lot of options for crypto enthusiasts!


There is a 0.30 EUR minimum bet requirement. You can deposit as little as 20 EUR and as much as 5,000 EUR. 20 EUR is the lowest amount that can be withdrawn, while 5,000 EUR is the highest.

Sports Betting at BillyBets

sports billybets

The site’s ability to provide the residents of Austria with a plethora of options for sports betting is a crucial component. Among the many sports you can bet on here are disciplines such as:

Table Tennis
Ice Hockey

In the first few seconds of your visit, you will see current matches for a wide variety of events across a number of tournaments, as the website is specifically intended to accommodate sports betting. Bet on anything you like, adjust the odds to suit your tastes, and focus on the activities that interest you the most.

Live Betting

At BillyBets, live betting is available. A deluge of data is presented to the user upon loading the page. Popular tournaments are shown vertically on the left-hand side of the screen. The several live fixtures are displayed in the middle of the screen, occupying the majority of it.

Although Decimal odds are the default option, you have the possibility to switch to Fractional or American odds very easily.

BillyBets Mobile App

A mobile version of BillyBets is now available, making it easier than ever for all users to access the platform! Even when viewed on mobile browsers, the site maintains all its functionality and aesthetic appeal. With no compromise in terms of visual quality and functionality, you can make bets from wherever you are! The casino games are also all available, so all you need is an Internet connection, whether it’s over mobile data or Wi-Fi.

Although an app may be in the works, the website is silent on the subject for the time being. You only need to add a shortcut for the browser version to your device; the company provides instructions on their website on how to perform it.

BillyBets Odds & Margins

Verify that your wager is based on accurate information before placing it. Once you’ve placed a bet, there’s no going back. Additionally, the website has the right to reject or void any wager at any time.

In order to determine what transpired during your participation in a particular online gambling activity and its outcome, you agree that the site’s records will be the exclusive and sufficient proof.

SportAvg. Margin
Table Tennis3.2%

Customer Support and Available Languages

Anyone visiting the Help Center lobby at any time can use the available online chat feature to get their questions answered. Here, you can get professional help from multilingual operators. To start a conversation, just type in your name, email address, and message. Another option for contacting the support team is to send an email to support@billybets.com.

In addition to English, the site is also available in Norwegian, Finnish, German, Italian, and French.

MethodETA for Response
Email – support@billybets.comLess than 24 hours
Live chat5 – 60 mins

Usability and User Experience

As soon as you land on the homepage of the BillyBets site, the goal is to make you feel relaxed and joyful. You can easily locate your preferred categories of events thanks to the straightforward navigation and entertaining background. Just as quickly, you may find information regarding policies and responsible gambling by scrolling down.

Responsible Gambling

While gambling should be a lighthearted pastime, it’s easy for individuals to let themselves be swept away by the excitement and lose control. Their health can suffer because of this. Addiction is devastating to one’s emotional and financial well-being. That is why BillyBets has a zero-tolerance policy on problem gambling.

Everyone who uses the site can take a short survey to see whether they’re experiencing any issues. Additionally, the platform provides a list of internet resources that can assist those struggling with gambling addiction.

FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
  • Absolutely! The company has a plethora of casino games from a number of renowned studios.

  • When you make a deposit and meet the requirements, most bonus packages will be applied to your account instantaneously. Individual financial statements provide customers with access to all available offers.

  • Registering and depositing funds is not possible for residents of some countries, including but not limited to the following: the United States, Belgium, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Malta.

  • Football has a clear edge due to its status as the most popular sport globally.

Overall Rating
  • Trust & Fairness
  • Games & Software
  • Bonuses & Promotions
  • Customer Support
Victoria Michael
Editor-in-Chief from St. Louis, Missouri, USA. B.A. in education, certified linguist. Future Writer Award winner.
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