150% welcome bonus up to 135 EUR

Boomerang Latvia Bookmaker Review

100% welcome bonus up to €100
  • Accessible on both iOS and Android devices
  • Ensures fast and secure transactions with end-to-end encrypted data security
  • Provides customer support through 24/7 live chat and email
  • Wide assortment of promotions available for players
  • Certain limits on daily and monthly withdrawals
  • Limited responsible gambling features

Boomerang is steadily becoming one of Latvia’s most popular online sports betting platforms. The user-friendly interface of Boomerang, its competitive odds, the enticing promotional bonuses, and the variety of wagering options are all designed to attract seasoned bettors and new players alike. In this article, we examine what makes Boomerang a preferred sports betting option for Latvian players.


Latvian players interested in sports betting should be aware of the following key facts about Boomerang Bookmaker.

Official Websitehttps://boomerang-bet.com
Welcome Bonus100% up to 100 Euros
Payment MethodsMastercard, Visa, Crypto
Customer Service24/7 support is available via live chat and email
Bookmaker License22-0025 (PAGCOR)

Is Boomerang Bookmaker Legal?

Boomerang home

Boomerang Bookmaker is owned and operated by Liernin Enterprises Ltd, a Marshall Island company registered under company registration number 126211. In order to ensure a secure and compliant betting environment, the platform adheres to all regulatory standards.

Is Boomerang Bookmaker Safe?

The developers of the platform take the security of their players seriously. They used industry-standard encryption technology to protect the personal and financial information of players. They have incorporated the latest features, such as deposit limits, time-out periods, and self-exclusion options, to assist players in managing their gambling habits.

Bonuses & Promotions at Boomerang Bookmaker

After signing up, Latvian players are offered a variety of bonuses. They provide new gamers with fantastic opportunities to enhance their gaming experiences. These bonuses add an extra layer of excitement, often additional money for making bets. Here is a quick overview of the major bonuses available for Latvian users at Boomerang Bookmaker.

Bonus TypeDetails
First Deposit Bonus100% up to €100
Weekly Reload Bonus50% up to €500
Cashback Bonus10% up to €500
Accumulator BoostUp to 100%

Welcome Bonus

Boomerang promo

Boomerang Bookmaker offers an enticing welcome bonus for new users designed to enhance their initial betting experience. Upon signing up, Latvian players can enjoy a 100% return on their first bet, up to a maximum of €100. This comprehensive welcome bonus package not only attracts new players but also ensures they start their journey with a strong advantage.

Bonuses Available for Latvian Players

Latvian gamers get access to a range of exclusive promotions that elevate their gaming experience. The bonuses are detailed here:

  • First Deposit Bonus provides new users with a 100% match when they top up for the first time, up to a maximum of €100. This means that a new user who deposits €100 will receive an additional €100, thereby doubling their wagering amount. It is an exceptional method for novices to increase their initial funds and commence wagering with a larger balance.
  • Weekly Reload Bonus offers a 50% match on deposits of up to €500 each week. By increasing their wagering funds on a weekly basis, regular players can capitalize on this bonus, which can improve their overall betting experience and offer more opportunities to win.
  • Cashback Bonus is especially beneficial for individuals who wish to reduce their losses, as it enables them to recoup a portion of their investment and continue wagering with a reduced financial burden.
  • Accumulator Boost has the potential to enhance the winnings on accumulator bets by as much as 100%. It is a favored option for individuals who wish to substantially increase their earnings from accumulator bets due to its potential to maximize returns.
  • 2 Goals Ahead Early Payout benefit guarantees that a bettor will receive an early payout if their preferred football team ends up two goals ahead in the game. This is particularly beneficial for football gamblers who wish to secure their winnings in advance without the need to wait for the match to conclude.
  • Boosted Odds promotion provides improved odds on specific events, which may result in a higher potential payout. This bonus will be appealing to bettors who are interested in achieving higher returns on their wagers, as it offers the potential to win more from successful bets.
  • Bore Draw 100% Refund ensures that all wagers will be fully refunded in the event that a football match concludes in a 0-0 draw. This incentive is especially beneficial for football bettors who wish to safeguard their stakes in low-scoring games, thereby preventing them from losing money on uninteresting matches.

These bonuses provide Latvian players with a plethora of choices to make the most of their gaming experience.

VIP Club at Boomerang Bookmaker

The VIP Player Zone offers Latvian gamers an exclusive, tiered membership system that enhances their gaming experience. The VIP club provides unique benefits, ensuring an exciting and rewarding journey. Joining the VIP Player Zone elevates the betting experience with unparalleled perks.

How to Create an Account

Creating a new account on Boomerang Bookmaker is simple. The official Boomerang Bookmaker registration process is as follows:

  • 1

    Click the “Register” icon on the official site.

    Click the “Register” icon
  • 2

    Input your email address or contact number for registration.

    Boomerang Welcome Bonus
  • 3

    Create a strong password for your account.

    Boomerang Register
  • 4

    Choose your country and preferred currency.

    Choose your country and preferred currency.
  • 5

    Verify your age (which should be 18 or above) and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

  • 6

    Complete your registration by clicking Signup.

    Complete your registration

After completing these simple steps, your account is ready for you to begin your betting journey.

Deposits & Withdrawals

If you want to start sports betting, you first need to understand the Boomerang Bookmaker platform’s deposit and withdrawal policies. However, for seamless transactions and convenience for players, you will get lots of methods to complete your transactions. Go through the table below to learn more about them.

MethodTransaction TimeMin DepositMax DepositWithdrawal TimeMin WithdrawalMax Withdrawal
Dogecoin (DOGE)Instant20 Euros5,000 Euros1-3 days10 Euros5,000 Euros
Bitcoin (BTC)Instant30 Euros5,000 Euros1-3 days60 Euros5,000 Euros
USD Tether (TRC20)Instant20 Euros5,000 Euros1-3 days10 Euros5,000 Euros
Litecoin (LTC)Instant20 Euros5,000 Euros1-3 days10 Euros5,000 Euros
MiFinityInstant20 Euros2,500 Euros1-3 days10 Euros2,500 Euros
NetellerInstant20 Euros5,000 Euros1-3 days10 Euros5,000 Euros
BinancePayInstant20 Euros440 Euros1-3 days10 Euros440 Euros
Skrill 1-TapInstant20 Euros5,000 Euros1-3 days10 Euros5,000 Euros
SkrillInstant20 Euros5,000 Euros1-3 days10 Euros5,000 Euros
JetonInstant20 Euros5,000 Euros1-3 days10 Euros5,000 Euros

The availability of various methods ensures that players can choose any preferred option to make easy deposits and withdrawals from their wallets.

Limits at Boomerang Bookmaker

Boomerang Bookmaker is a popular choice for Latvian players who want to make sports bets across multiple categories. However, there are some restrictions to the functionality of this platform. These limitations apply to some transactions involving wallet deposits and withdrawals.

Sports Betting at Boomerang Bookmaker

Boomerang Sport

Boomerang Bookmaker provides its customers with an exceptional selection of sporting events, allowing them to enjoy betting on their favored disciplines. The following are some of the main sports available at Boomerang.

Badminton: Enjoy betting on major domestic and international matches.
Cricket: All international matches and domestic leagues are included.
Football: Major football events are available, including Copa America, Euro Cup, UEFA, FIFA matches, and other domestic leagues.
Hockey: Enjoy access to main events such as NHL, domestic tournaments, and international matches.
Boxing & MMA: Betting is available for international boxing matches and MMA tournaments like UFC.
Volleyball: Enjoy exclusive reach to domestic and international volleyball matches.
Table Tennis: All the major table tennis events and matches are included
Baseball: Betting available for major baseball leagues.
Esports: All major eSports tournaments are included.

In addition to these sports, there are many others you can choose from based on your particular interests and preferences.

Live Betting at Boomerang Bookmaker

Live betting at Boomerang Bookmaker enhances the wagering experience in several ways. The statistics data on certain teams and players can be accessed in real-time. You will be able to make more accurate wagers, increasing your chances of winning.

Live betting is provided on all major sports, including football, badminton, tennis, cricket, and hockey. Furthermore, membership in the VIP Club is not required to enjoy this facility.

Casino Section at Boomerang Bookmaker

Latvian players can enjoy a wide range of casino games at Boomerang. They can access a wide range of slots, from basic fruit machines to the most recent video slots with intriguing themes and features.

Boomerang Bookmaker Mobile App

Boomerang Bookmaker is available to mobile users on their mobile devices. There is no dedicated mobile app for the platform, but players can create a shortcut to this website. Live statistics and secure transactions can be viewed and executed from your mobile device, making your betting experience exciting and realistic.

Boomerang Bookmaker Odds & Margins

Boomerang Bookmakers delivers an optimum betting experience by enabling competitive odds and margins across various sports on this platform. The range of margins affects the betting and winning capacity, and these margins depend on certain factors.

Football1.37 – 7%
Ice hockey1.50 – 9%
Tennis1.50 – 10%
Basketball1.50 – 9%
Boxing1.50 – 10%
eSports1.50 – 10%

Customer Support & Available Languages

Boomerang Bookmaker provides exclusive access to customer support options. Players can contact customer support at any time through email or live chat, which are available on the website.

Support MethodsDetails
Live Chat24/7 Support Available

Furthermore, the innovative features that facilitate more accurate decision-making uplift the betting experience of Latvian gamblers.

Responsible Gambling

Boomerang always fulfills social responsibility by promoting safe and responsible gambling to help users avoid addiction. Features such as deposit limits, self-exclusion, and time-outs help a lot in managing betting activity.

FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
  • No, the welcome bonus is exclusively for new users. It offers a generous 100% bonus on the first deposit, making it highly beneficial for beginners.

  • Latvian players have numerous options to withdraw their winnings from their wallets. They can select the most convenient method according to their personal preferences and needs.

  • Boomerang Bookmaker offers 24/7 customer support. Latvian players can reach out via live chat or email, ensuring assistance is always available when needed.

  • Boomerang Bookmaker provides an exciting betting experience with over 20 sports.

Overall Rating
  • Trust & Fairness
  • Games & Software
  • Bonuses & Promotions
  • Customer Support
Victoria Michael
Editor-in-Chief from St. Louis, Missouri, USA. B.A. in education, certified linguist. Future Writer Award winner.
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