100% welcome bonus up to €100

Boomerang-bet.com Spain Bookmaker Review

100% welcome bonus up to €100
  • Over 25 sports
  • Live betting section
  • More than five lucrative bonus offers
  • Functional mobile version of the regular site
  • Limited withdrawal options
  • No live streams

The Boomerang-bet.com bookmaker began operations in 2023. The brand belongs to Liernin Enterprises, which is also behind other eminent gambling platforms. The website’s list of features and options includes multiple sports, generous promotions and bonuses, a live betting section, and trusted payment methods. In this article, you can take a closer look at this betting platform and find out how to join it.

Boomerang home

Boomerang-bet.com Credentials

Boomerang-bet.com is a reliable platform that offers over 1,000 regular sporting events, a lucrative welcome bonus for bettors, and helpful support.

Boomerang-bet.com: Key Facts
📢 Website Addresshttps://boomerang-bet1.com/es/
🎁Welcome Bonus100% bonus of up to €100 on the first deposit
💲Payment MethodsBank cards, e-wallets, vouchers, cryptocurrencies
📱Mobile AppShortcuts for iOS and Android
🚨Customer ServiceLive chat, email, FAQ section
🧾License22-0025 (PACGOR)

Is Boomerang-bet.com Legal?

The bookmaker only offers licensed services and operates under accreditation issued by PACGOR, a reliable regulator. It prevents any underaged users from registering on the website and wagering with real money. Spanish users can freely sign up to the platform and verify their accounts to receive full access to the content.

Is Boomerang-bet.com Safe?

Boomerang-bet secures all the user data to prevent the exposure of their sensitive information to bad actors. The SSL certificate guarantees a secure Internet connection with the website. Punters can feel secure in the knowledge that they are playing in a secure betting environment.

Bonuses and Promotions at Boomerang-bet.com

Bettors can claim many lucrative bonus deals and participate in all the promotions offered by the website:

Bonus Name Reward
Welcome bonus100% bonus of up to €100
Weekly reload bonus50% of up to €500
Cashback bonus10% up to €500
Accumulator boostUp to 100%
Bore Draw100% refund
Early payoutFor two goals ahead
Boosted oddsEnhanced winnings

Welcome Bonus

Newbies can receive an exclusive bonus for their first account top up of at least €20. The maximum bonus sum is €100, and users need to wager this at least five times to be able to cash it out. The bonus is valid on accumulator bets with odds from 1.5 or singles from 2.00.

Other Bettors Offers & Promotions

Boomerang Welcome Bonus

Punters who wager with real funds on the platform for a long time can receive the following freebies:

  • Weekly reload bonus. Bettors can acquire it on weekdays by making a deposit of €20. They need to fulfil the 8x wagering requirement and place accumulators with odds of 1.50 or singles with 2.00 coefficients.
  • Cashback bonus. To get this, users need to make deposits of at least €20. The maximum possible cashback amount is €500. The wagering requirement is just three times. The deal can be claimed once per week.
  • Accumulator boost. Place a multibet that contains from 2 to 21+ selections and odds of no less than 1.5.
  • Bore Draw. This promo allows bettors to build single, multi, and system predictions and use a Bet Builder for the 1×2 market.

All of these offers are permanent fixtures on the website.

Loyalty Program

Registered users automatically become participants in the VIP club. Punters acquire special loyalty points for each deposit they make. The points help them to rise up through the VIP levels and gain more privileges. In general, the program has 5 VIP levels where each next one offers better bonuses, improved support, and other perks.

Registration on Boomerang-bet.com

Users who want to bet on the Boomerang-bet.com platform must open an account. The registration process is swift and requires minimal information.

Users who want to bet on the Boomerang-bet.com platform must open an account. The registration process is swift and requires minimal information.

  • 1

    Start by clicking on the “Register” button on Boomerang-bet.com.

    Boomerang home
  • 2

    Select the bonus type and proceed to the next step.

    Boomerang Welcome bonus
  • 3

    Create a solid password and specify your email address.

    Boomerang Register
  • 4

    Fill in the empty fields with the required information, including your name, address, phone number, and other data. Click the “Create Account” button.

    Boomerang Register 2

At this point, you have completed the registration process successfully. Enter your email or phone number to log into your profile. If you face problems during signup, contact support. Additionally, it is necessary to go through the verification procedure before you can withdraw the winnings for the first time. You will need to provide scans of certain official documents, such as your ID card or a driver’s license.

Deposits & Withdrawals

Boomerang-bet.com supports an extensive collection of payment methods. Users can choose from classic ones, such as bank cards and e-wallets, to modern ones, such as cryptocurrencies. The bookmaker works with trusted financial providers and charges no commission on transfers.

Payment ProviderDeposit Limits in €FeesTransaction TimePayout Limits in €FeesTransaction Time
Mastercard20 – 2,0000Within an hour10 – 3,0000Up to 24 hours
Visa10 – 3,0000Up to 24 hours
Bank transfer10 – 5,0000Up to 24 hours
Paysafecard20 – 1,0000A few minutes
Neteller20 – 5,0000A few minutes
Skrill20 -5,0000A few minutes
Rapid20 – 5,0000A few minutes
Jeton20 – 5,0000A few minutes10 – 5,0000A few minutes
Mifinity20 – 2,5000A few minutes10 – 2,5000A few minutes
Bitcoin30 – 5,0000A few minutes60 – 5,0000A few minutes
Other Crypto20 – 5,0000A few minutes10 – 5,0000A few minutes

Bookmaker Limits

Players can add money to their accounts starting from €20 and withdraw winnings with the lowest possible sum of €10. The limits depend on the financial provider you select. The minimum bet amount also varies and can be as little as €1. This bookie doesn’t set a maximum bet amount.

Sports Betting at Boomerang-bet.com

Boomerang Sports

Boomerang-bet.com contains over 25 sports, including cyber and virtual disciplines, where users can select events and tournaments to place their wagers in pre-match and live mode. The sports featured on the platform are the following:

table tennis;
ice hockey;
American football;
water polo;
athletics, etc.

Punters can place different types of wagers based on the following options:

  • singles;
  • accumulators;
  • system;
  • Bet Builder.

Beginners can try the first two options, while professional and experienced bettors can choose the latter two to make more interesting bets. On this site, the odds are quite high on sports such as football and baseball. Punters can find all the latest international and local competitions and championships at Boomerang-bet.com.

To place a bet, users can pick the following betting markets:

  • 1×2;
  • Double chance;
  • Handicap;
  • Over/Under;
  • Odds/Even, etc.

Punters should pick a game and click on their preferred odds and markets to add their selections to a bet slip. Then, they need to select a bet amount and confirm their wager. If they guess correctly, their bet will win, and they will be able to withdraw their rewards.

Live Betting

It is even more exciting to place bets when the match is in progress, so that is why, at Boomerang-bet.com, users can visit the “Live Betting” section. It contains more than ten sports and even more tournaments within each of them. Punters can place wagers while the game is in progress. Once it is finished, they can see the outcome and acquire their rewards. Additionally, users can activate a helpful Cashout feature if they believe that their bet is going to fail.

Boomerang-bet.com: Casino Section

The platform also contains gambling entertainment. Its casino section includes slots, live dealer games, and other popular types. All the products were supplied by well-known gaming studios and providers such as:

  • Pragmatic Play;
  • Evolution Gaming;
  • Hacksaw Gaming;
  • Netent;
  • Belatra;
  • 3Oaks;
  • Platipus, etc.

Their games have high RTP rates of over 95%, excellent graphics, high-quality sound effects, multiple integrated bonuses, and engaging gameplay. Additionally, users can try the majority of games for free using the demo mode. When they do, they play with virtual currency.

Boomerang-bet.com Mobile App

Currently, Boomerang-bet.com does not offer an actual application, but it provides its bettors with convenient and direct access to its platform via shortcuts. Basically, players can wager from their mobile devices and have a convenient icon on their screens. This frees them from spending extra time browsing the bookmaker’s site.

Even if you don’t want to set up a shortcut, you can easily access Boomerang-bet.com using any mobile browser. The version is optimized for smaller screens and provides users with all the standard features of the site, as well as a slightly adjusted navigation, so all the main elements are brought forward for more convenience.

Boomerang-bet.com Odds & Margins

When punters consider a bookmaker, the odds and margins play a vital role. These allow bettors to understand the chances they have of winning while placing wagers on any of the available sports. Margins are the amount a betting platform earns on wagers; they essentially represent the difference between the actual probability and the odds. Lower margins mean more money is paid out to bettors. The margins at Boomerang-bet.com are listed below for the most popular disciplines.


Customer Support and Available Languages

It is not rare for punters to face problems when wagering on a platform. To help them cope with difficulties, the bookmaker offers support services that are available around the clock.

OptionContactsResponse Time
Live chatPublished at the bottom of the site pageLess than a couple of minutes
Emailsupport@boomerang-bet.comWithin an hour

Bettors can contact support at any convenient time and from any device. Operators will offer their assistance and help in solving any errors or problems, as well as offer instructions and guidance. Support operates in both Spanish and English for users in Spain.

Another useful support option is the brand’s “Help Center,” which publishes answers to many common questions. The section is divided into clear subgroups so punters can conveniently seek what they need.

Awards and Recognitions

The platform has managed to earn the trust of its loyal users but currently holds no awards or major recognition in the market. However, based on the positive development dynamics and quality of the services offered, this might change in future.

Usability and User Experience

Boomerang-bet.com has an industry-standard interface and layout that allows newbies to navigate easily. All the major options, including sports, are located on the left side of the website, while all the legal information is placed at the bottom. Other options are conveniently located on the upper navigation panel, where newly registered players can log in and check their profile page.

Responsible Gambling

The brand cares about its users and understands the importance of timely support. Therefore, it offers some protection tools for its most sensitive users. If they notice that they are running into difficulties with gambling, finding it hard to stop, or losing count of their money, they can activate the following options:

professional help

Those who wish to activate these options and take a break from gambling can send a request to the bookmaker’s support team. They will turn on the self-exclusion feature and block access to platform contents for the specified period.

FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
  • You must submit official documents, such as an ID card, driver’s license, or passport, as required by the bookmaker.

  • To receive a signup reward, you need to make a deposit in accordance with the conditions stated by the bookmaker.

  • Users can receive a payout via e-wallets, bank transfers, and crypto-wallets.

  • All registered users can get points for their deposits. The points can increase their VIP level and bring more privileges and benefits.

Overall Rating
  • Trust & Fairness
  • Games & Software
  • Bonuses & Promotions
  • Customer Support
Victoria Michael
Editor-in-Chief from St. Louis, Missouri, USA. B.A. in education, certified linguist. Future Writer Award winner.
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