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With a platform that expertly combines the excitement and attraction of sports betting, Drip stands out as one of the top online bookmakers in the constantly changing field of online betting. Launched in 2023 and operated by Galaktika N.V., it has come a long way in just a short year. You will find out more about its progress in this review.
Drip is a living, breathing organism where old and new meet in perfect harmony. Live gaming options allow players to experience an authentic sporting environment. Drip is a great option for everyone because it covers a lot of different sports, and it’s one of the top betting sites in India.
Live Chat?
8048/JAZ2016-050 (Curacao)
Is Drip Bookmaker Legal?
Galaktika N.V., whose registered office is at Scharlooweg 39, Willemstad, Curaçao, is the owner of this platform. All operations carried out by Galaktika A N.V. are subject to the laws and regulations of Curaçao and Antillephone N.V. (licence No. 8048/JAZ2016-050, valid until 1 November 2024).
Is Drip Bookmaker Safe?
Drip has a licence from Curacao. Platforms with a Curacao licence follow strict procedures to safeguard clients and ensure the integrity of their processes. Drip Bookmaker takes additional precautions to protect its customers’ personal and financial data by utilising cutting-edge encryption technologies.
Bonuses and Promotions at Drip Bookmaker
Take a quick look at the bonuses available:
Welcome Bonus
150% bonus on first deposit
Express Bonus
100% bonus when placing accumulator bets
Express Cashback
Get 50% of your accumulator bets back
Betting Insurance
Claim the winnings before the actual calculation of the bet
Edit Betslip
Add events to the betting slip or replace them with new ones with the Edit Betslip option
Second Bonus
100% bonus on the second deposit of at least INR 1,000
Third Bonus
50% bonus on the third deposit of at least INR 1,000
Reload Freebet
Make a deposit starting from INR 1,500 to get unlimited wins
Welcome bonus
You have to make a deposit to get a 150% bonus. The deposit can range from INR 1,000-10,000. Keep a minimum odds of 1.5 on multibets with three sports to qualify. The wagering requirement is 10x.
The other sports promos include:
Express Bonus: 100% bonus when placing accumulator bets.
Express Cashback: Get 50% of your accumulator bets back.
Betting Insurance: Get your wins even before the bet is calculated.
Edit Betslip: Add events to the betting slip or replace them with new ones with the Edit Betslip option.
Second Bonus: Get a 100% bonus on your second deposit starting from INR 1,000.
Third Bonus: 50% bonus on third deposit from INR 1,000.
Reload Freebet: Make a deposit starting from INR 1,500 to get unlimited wins.
With so many options, who wouldn’t feel giddy?
Loyalty programme
Drip Bookmaker offers fresh, regular bonuses to gamblers as they level up. Using status points earned betting at Drip is the only way to advance in rank. You get rewards based on the following criteria:
One point will be given for real money bets that reach ₹1,000.
The player will earn 0.5 points for wagers made with bonus funds that equal the same amount.
So, are you looking forward to joining?
Registration at Drip Bookmaker
Entering a new and exciting world is the perfect way to start your Drip experience:
Select “Sign Up” from the menu. You will have to enter your email address or phone number and create a password.
You can choose the sports welcome bonus as part of this step, but you don’t have to.
Then, you have to enter some private details, such as your birthday, address, and gender.
Finally, you have to verify the information you just provided.
Now, you can enjoy everything that Drip has to offer!
Deposits & Withdrawals
Keep in mind that this sportsbook is a place where high-stakes wagers are accepted. There will be zero lag time between making a top-up and placing your next big wager because each deposit method is designed to be a breeze. Here is what you have to work with:
Name of Method
Min. Deposit
Max. Deposit
Binance Pay
Drip practically gives you the red carpet treatment when you want to cash out your winnings. It’s one of the quickest Indian betting sites for withdrawing funds, and the procedure is as easy as surfing the Indian Ocean.
Name of Method
Min. Withdrawal
Max. Withdrawal
Binance Pay
The betting range starts at INR 10 and goes all the way up to INR 55,000,000. Your VIP status determines the withdrawal limitations. No matter what you’re doing, the minimum deposit is 300 INR, and the minimum withdrawal is 500 INR. Both of these have different maximums.
Sports Betting at Drip Bookmaker
Every sport has its own unique fan base, and Drip reflects that diversity in its sports betting section. It’s a betting paradise, with options ranging from the tumultuous atmosphere of a football pitch to the fluid courts of basketball and the fierce rallies of tennis. Drip offers a feast of speciality sports, each with its own unique flavour and intensity, for individuals who prefer to stay off the main road.
Some of the betting options are:
Table Tennis
Ice Hockey
Field Hockey
Formula One
Martial Arts
Water Polo
American Football
Rugby Union
Rugby League
…and more. Despite this truly huge lineup of disciplines, it is somewhat disheartening to see a lack of Indian sports like kabaddi and kho-kho on the list. However, the site is still very young. Maybe these additions will come in time. Otherwise, it is a great place for sports betting.
Live Betting
Live sports betting, with all the heart-pounding action, is now at your fingertips with Drip. Fans may wager on their favourite sports as they happen on Drip’s live betting platform, which prioritises real-time involvement. Wagering on the event is more than merely watching it.
Watch along as your chosen match is streamed live on the right-hand side of the screen, and place your bets as the odds are updated in real-time.
Drip Bookmaker: Casino Section
Classic and modern table games coexist in Drip’s lively casino sector. Live gaming options allow players to experience an authentic casino environment without ever having to leave their homes. Drip is a top betting site in India because it meets the needs of both low-stakes amateurs and high-stakes pros with its flexible table limit options.
You have your usual selection of games like:
Table Games
Live Games
This is because people want everything under the same roof. Drip provides just that.
Drip Bookmaker Mobile App
The contemporary and clean design of Drip Bookmaker works flawlessly on any device, whether it’s a desktop computer or a mobile phone. Players will have no trouble navigating to their preferred games and features thanks to the website’s one-of-a-kind user interface (UI).
However, the best choice would be to get the Drip app from the Google Play Store. If you’re an Android user who prefers to play while on the go, you can also download the Drip Casino application. Not only is it mobile-friendly and makes gaming a breeze, but it also has user-friendly menus that let you sort games by category or search for certain titles.
Drip Bookmaker Odds & Margins
The integrity of the platform depends on fair margins that give bettors a chance to win, but these margins also need to be sustainable, and Drip, one of the best betting sites, knows this. Check out their margins:
Name of sport
Horse Racing
Customer Support and Available Languages
Drip Bookmaker offers multiple ways for customers to reach their support staff since they know how important it is to have dependable help when gambling online. Helping players quickly and easily is their first priority, and they have courteous and well-informed representatives. To make sure that users have a smooth time gambling at Drip Bookmaker, the support staff is available 24/7 through email, chat, phone calls, and the Telegram bot.
If you would rather not leave the Drip website while requesting assistance, the internal chat tool is perfect for you. Users can speak with a support agent one-on-one through the internal chat’s voice call feature if they need help right away. The support staff at Drip Bookmaker is friendly and well-versed in all aspects of the platform, and they are happy to help.
Live chat
Usability and User Experience
Both the site and the mobile app have something in common, and it is a very sleek design. The UI is well-designed and helps with navigation. This aids in everything you do on the site, from registration to deposits, and gives it a very smooth and fluid feel.
Responsible Gambling
Drip is dedicated to providing a responsible gambling experience for every user. The site recognises that it can be a problematic behaviour and offers a questionnaire to help users recognise the symptoms. They also offer self-exclusion for clients who need it. This lets people step away from their accounts for a fixed period of time: hours, days, weeks, or even months. During this period, the user cannot access their Drip account or create a new one.
FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
Indeed, it does. Curacao is one of the most sought-after licences in the world, and it subjects all applicants to rigorous testing.
Betting is legal in some parts of India. To bet, you need to be based in either Daman, Nagaland, Goa, or Sikkim.
No, Indian disciplines like kabaddi and kho-kho are absent from the list of sports. Maybe in time, the bookmaker will add events like the Pro Kabaddi League to its roster.
You can get your cash-outs credited to your account in 24 hours.