welcome bonus 17000 INR(up to 200 EUR)

Sol Bookmaker India Review

The welcome bonus for the sportsbook gives you a 150% match
  • Thorough verification
  • Responsible gambling available
  • 24/7 live chat for support
  • Plenty of payment options
  • Not many bonuses
  • No way to call customer service using a telephone number

It was launched in 2018, and in 2021, Sol won an award for being the best casino. But does that also make it a good bookmaker? If you want to learn more about the establishment, read our review here.


Sol Bookmaker stands out from the crowd thanks to its unique blend of modern design and classic elegance. Galaktika N.V. is the owner and operator of Sol. Galaktika N.V. is not new to the sportsbook business. The same company also owns Drip, which means it knows what it’s doing in terms of launching successful platforms.

Total no. of games3,000+
Game typesSlot Games, Table Games, Card Games, Dice Games, Live Casino Games, Lottery Games, Sports Betting, Bingo
Casino gamesSlots, Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Craps, Video Poker, Andar Bahar, Teen Patti, Sic Bo, Mahjong, Rummy, Keno, Jackpot
Live casino gamesPoker, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Craps, Andar Bahar, Teen Patti, Dragon Tiger, Sic Bo, Game Shows

Is Sol Bookmaker Legal?

Galaktika N.V., with its registered office at Scharlooweg 39, Willemstad, Curaçao, owns the platform. The site is licensed by Antillephone N.V. (licence No. 8048/JAZ2016-050) under Curaçao laws and regulations.

Is Sol Bookmaker Safe?

The bookmaker is safe and secure. It has an SSL certificate, which ensures a secure connection. It also makes players go through a thorough verification process, ensuring that only people with proper identification can create an account and gamble on the site.

Bonuses and Promotions at Sol Bookmaker

Sol bookmaker bonus allbets

Sol isn’t known for its elaborate bonuses, and it shows. For sportsbook users, they have the following promotions:

Name of BonusSummaryMax Win
1st deposit150%INR 10,000
2nd deposit100%INR 5,000
3rd deposit50%INR 5,000
Reload50%INR 10,000

Want some more detail? Read on.

Welcome bonus

The welcome bonus for the sportsbook gives you a 150% match. For the second deposit, you get a 100% match, and for the third, you get 50%. The minimum deposit is INR 1,000 for all three. The wagering requirements are 10x, and your odds must be a minimum of 1.5.

Other user offers & promotions

There is only one other promotion available for sportsbook users, and that is the reload bonus. Using this reload offer, you can get a 50% match on your deposit. The minimum deposit is INR 1,000, while the maximum win amount is INR 10,000. As always, the wagering requirements are 10x, and you need to have placed bets with minimum odds of 1.5.

It’s not the most stacked as far as promotions go, but it is a solid, reusable bonus that people can count on.

Loyalty programme

The VIP manager at Sol will extend an invitation to you if you want to join the VIP club and enjoy the perks. How much you bet every day and how loyal you are will determine your level. There are nine VIP tiers, providing you with the potential for some excellent perks:

  • 24/7 Customer Support;
  • Personal Manager;
  • Individual Bonus Programme;
  • Personal birthday gift* with a wager of 3X;
  • 250 free spins for achieving status with a wagering requirement of 5X;
  • Up to 10% cashback every week;
  • Daily cashout limit: ₹12,00,000;
  • Daily crypto withdrawal limit: up to $50,000.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Registration at Sol Bookmaker

Follow these steps to create an account:

  • 1

    You can join the bookmaker by clicking the “Sign Up” button on the homepage

    Sol Bookmaker Step 1 allbets
  • 2

    Whether or not you request a bonus is up to you. An email address and a robust password must be entered. When you’re ready, click the “Sign Up” button. You must be at least 18 years of age to register for the platform.

    Sol Bookmaker Step 2 allbets
  • 3

    Your name, DOB, and other personal details must be entered. All online bookmakers will require you to follow this procedure when you sign up for an account.

    Sol Bookmaker Step 3 allbets
  • 4

    The following form asks for your address and cell phone number; click “Next” to proceed. After you’ve finished entering your details, hit the “Finish” button.

    Sol Bookmaker Step 4 allbets
  • 5

    Verifying your account is as simple as going to your inbox and clicking the link there. Upon finishing the registration process, you will be notified of your success and will be able to start playing.

After that, you’re off to the races.

Deposits & Withdrawals

You will only be able to see your deposit and withdrawal options after you have created an account. Once you register, you will see a Deposit button. Clicking on it will reveal your options. They are as follows:

Binance Pay₹300₹30,00,000

You will find another tab called Withdrawals. There, you will find the available withdrawal options. These appear as below:

Name of MethodMin. WithdrawalMax. Withdrawal
Binance Pay₹1,000₹8,00,000

You can use the following cryptocurrencies: Tether, DOGE, Ripple, Bitcoin, and Litecoin.


Sol Bookmaker accepts cryptocurrency deposits ranging from 500 INR (the lowest deposit) to 5,000,000 INR (the maximum). There is also a monthly cap of 5,000,000 INR as far as withdrawals go. Withdrawals at Sol Bookmaker must be at least 300 INR.

Sports Betting at Sol Bookmaker

Sol bookmaker sport allbets

Sports betting is Sol’s strength. Everyone can find their favourite sport, whether it’s a more traditional one like football, basketball, or tennis or a more specialised one like eSports or virtual sports. The addition of special betting markets for important athletic events, such as the Grand Slam tennis tournament, really caught my eye and made the experience much more exciting.

The user-friendly design of the site makes navigating these marketplaces a snap. Regardless of your level of experience, locating the most suitable market to place your wager is a simple and painless process.

Some of the sports available here are:

  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Ice Hockey
  • Handball
  • Basketball
  • eSports

Thanks to its flexibility, bettors from all over the world can utilise it with ease. The availability of excellent odds for big sporting events is one of the most noticeable advantages. Both the betting experience and the value it brings are enhanced by this. When it comes to sports betting, Sol Bookmaker is a formidable platform thanks to its varied and competitive odds.

Live Betting

Live betting is not only available; it’s very visibly present from the moment you enter the sports betting page. Immediately, you will see a live match taking place to the right of the window. You can change this to whatever game you want to bet on, regardless of the sport. The odds are updated live, and you can cash out early on certain fixtures. Overall, it’s a very entertaining atmosphere if you’re into live betting.

Sol Bookmaker: Casino Section

In this day and age, you can’t afford to be a master of one. This is why Sol has a pretty decent casino section as well. People in India turn to Sol as it contains some of the greatest casino games available. We guarantee you will be spoilt for choice when it comes to the hours of entertainment available.

Sol Bookmaker Mobile App

Thanks to HTML5, gamblers can access the platform through the web browser on their mobile devices. The mobile version of Sol is just as fast and functional as the desktop version. As long as you have a working internet connection, you can log in through your phone browser and make as many bets as you want.

The site doesn’t mention any app, and we cannot say with certainty if one is in the pipeline or not. However, as soon as there is new information, you will be the first to know.

Sol Bookmaker Odds & Margins

Everyone wants to know whether they’re getting a good deal, and Sol provides you with the information to determine just that. In the table below, you will find the average margins at Sol:

SportsAverage Margin

Customer Support and Available Languages

The site promises to respond to your email within 24 hours if you contact them at support-en@sol.casino. A customer service phone number is not currently available. Lastly, there’s the customer service live channel, where you may communicate with a real person from Sol through Telegram. English is the sole language available for customer support.

There is a live chat option, too, and a bot will help you relatively quickly. You can choose to opt for a call, too, though you will not be given a number. This chat feature is available around the clock.

Live Chat24/7

Awards and Recognitions

Sol has received an award. NonStopBonus, a renowned name in the gambling world, recognised Sol as their prestigious casino of the month in October 2021. While not an award given to the bookmaker side of things, it is nonetheless a very worthy recognition.

Usability and User Experience

There may be some complaints when it comes to the user experience. This is because the design of the site is simple and attractive. Registration is easy, which makes everything else so much more streamlined. Selecting sports and making bets is enjoyable, too, which makes the entire experience memorable. The site does everything well. Nothing is extraordinary, though.

Responsible Gambling

A Responsible Gambling Policy (“Policy”) has been put in place by the company to protect users from the negative effects of gambling. They educate consumers on possible dangers, legal constraints, the importance of preventing gambling by minors, and the option of self-exclusion.

On top of all this, they provide a questionnaire and point users to bodies that help with gambling addiction, like GamCare and Gambling Therapy.

FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
  • The Curacao Gaming Control Board has issued Sol a valid and current licence. Obtaining this licence is no easy feat; it is subject to stringent requirements.

  • Only residents of Goa, Sikkim, Nagaland, and Daman can bet online legally in India.

  • They do. Other currencies from all around the globe are also available for your selection.

  • Withdrawals from Sol Bookmaker typically take 24 to 48 hours. You will be able to make unlimited withdrawals into your personal account in a matter of seconds after this is approved.

Overall Rating
  • Trust & Fairness
  • Games & Software
  • Bonuses & Promotions
  • Customer Support
Victoria Michael
Editor-in-Chief from St. Louis, Missouri, USA. B.A. in education, certified linguist. Future Writer Award winner.
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