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Some players find the wagering requirements too high
Gamix.bet is rapidly gaining popularity as a leading online eSports betting platform in Germany. The platform is intended to appeal to both experienced bettors and novices due to its user-friendly interface, competitive odds, and extensive promotional incentives. This review will provide an in-depth analysis of what makes Gamix.bet a preferred choice for German gamblers.
For German players interested in eSports betting, here are the essential details about Gamix.bet:
Gamix Bookmaker Germany: Key Facts
🌐 Official Website
⚽ Sports
60+ sports
💳 Payment Methods
Mastercard, Cryptocurrencies, and Jeton
📞 Customer Service Options
24/7 Support via Live Chat, Email
⚠️ Bookmaker Licensing Information
Curacao eGaming License No. 365/JAZ
These details provide a concise overview of what Gamix.bet offers, including its welcome bonus, sports coverage, available payment methods, customer support options, and licensing information.
Is Gamix.bet Bookmaker Legal?
Gamix is the owner and operator of Gamix.bet, and it is registered with the Curacao eGaming Authority. The platform guarantees a secure and compliant wagering environment for its users by adhering to all regulatory standards. The platform is legally operated under the Curacao eGaming license, which is one of the most reputable licensing authorities in the online gambling industry, ensuring that German participants can rest assured.
Is Gamix.bet Safe?
Gamix.bet Bookmaker prioritizes security. In order to safeguard users’ financial and confidential data, the platform implements industry-standard encryption technologies. It also offers features like deposit limits and self-exclusion options to help players manage their wagering responsibly.
Bonuses and Promotions at Gamix.bet
At the moment, Gamix.bet provides a single promotional offer: a cashback bonus. While this can be beneficial, it is relatively limited compared to the variety of bonuses available on other platforms. Gamix.bet may need to consider adding more diverse promotions to remain competitive in the market.
Welcome bonus
Gamix.bet currently does not provide a welcome bonus for sports betting, which may be disappointing for new users interested in that area. As it stands, the welcome bonus is exclusively available for those playing casino games. Although this is a good start, it would be advantageous for Gamix.bet to introduce a sports betting welcome bonus in the near future to attract a broader audience.
Other offers & promotions
Gamix.bet offers its eSports users a cashback bonus that offers up to 15% cashback every Tuesday. Eligible players must deposit at least €20 and meet specific criteria. Cashback is calculated based on net losses and credited automatically, with a wagering requirement on the cashback amount. It’s likely that new promotions will be launched going forward.
VIP Club at Gamix.bet
Gamix.bet provides an exclusive VIP program exclusively for its most loyal participants. The VIP Club offers a variety of membership tiers, each of which provides distinctive advantages, including exclusive promotions, personalized customer support, and higher withdrawal limits. Joining the VIP Club is a great way for German players to improve their betting experience and receive additional benefits and privileges.
How to Create an Account?
Creating an account at Gamix.bet is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:
Visit the official website: go to https://gamix.bet/.
Click on “Registerieren”.
Enter Your Details: Provide your email address, choose a strong password, and select your country.
Verify Your Age: Confirm that you are 18 years or older and agree to the terms and conditions
Complete the Registration form and Click on “Sign Up”.
Now, add funds to your account by clicking on Einzahlung.
Choose your deposit method. After choosing a deposit method and adding funds to your balance, you can start playing immediately.
Once registered, you can start exploring the wide range of betting options available on Gamix.bet.
Deposits & Withdrawals
Gamix.bet offers a variety of payment methods to ensure smooth and secure transactions for German players.
Payment Method
Transaction Time
Min. Deposit
Max. Deposit
Withdrawal Time
Min. Withdrawal
Max. Withdrawal
€ 20
€ 1,000
Bank Transfer
1-3 days
€ 20
€ 5,000
3-5 days
€ 40
Jeton Cash
€ 20
€ 2,000
1-3 days
€ 20
€ 2,000
1-3 days
€ 40
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, BCH
€ 20
No max limit
1-3 days
€ 40
No max limit
This table provides a clear overview of the various payment methods, their transaction and withdrawal times, and minimum and maximum deposit and withdrawal amounts.
Limits at Gamix.bet
Gamix.bet Bookmaker is a popular choice among German participants due to its extensive selection of betting options across a variety of eSports. However, there are certain limitations regarding withdrawal and deposit limits. These restrictions guarantee responsible gambling practices and assist participants in effectively managing their betting activities.
Minimum Deposit – €20
Maximum Deposit – €5,000
Minimum Withdrawal – €40
Maximum Withdrawal – €5,000
Sports Betting at Gamix.bet
The vibrant sports betting site Gamix.bet presents a wide range of competitive sports choices for both fans and wagerers. With its extensive odds and real-time updates, Gamix.bet offers a multi-faceted platform that effortlessly incorporates esports betting into the exciting world of competitive gaming. A selection of the platform’s most popular sports options is provided below.
League of Legends
Dota 2
Counter-Strike 2
King of Glory
Rocket League
Starcraft 1
Rainbow Six
Warcraft 3
Counter-Strike 2 Duels
Arena of Valor
Table tennis
To top it all off, Gamix.bet offers a fantastic live betting function.
Live Betting at Gamix.bet
Live betting is a standout feature at Gamix.bet, allowing players to place bets on ongoing matches. This feature enhances the betting experience by providing real-time statistics and updates, helping players make informed decisions. Live betting is available for major eSports, including football, basketball, and tennis.
Casino Section at Gamix.bet
In addition to sports betting, Gamix.bet offers a comprehensive casino section. German players can enjoy a wide variety of casino games, including slots, table games, and live dealer entertainment. The casino section is powered by top-tier software providers, ensuring a high-quality gaming experience.
Gamix.bet Mobile App
Gamix.bet is accessible on mobile devices, providing a seamless betting experience on the go. While there isn’t a dedicated mobile app, the website is fully optimized for mobile use. Players can easily navigate the platform, place bets, and manage their accounts from their smartphones or tablets.
Gamix.bet Odds & Margins
Gamix.bet is known for offering competitive odds across a wide range of eSports. The platform provides favorable margins, enhancing the potential for higher returns on successful bets. Below is an overview of the margins for some popular eSports:
⚽ E-Football
1.50 – 8%
🏀 E-Basketball
1.50 – 9%
🏓 Table Tennis
1.50 – 10%
🎮 eSports
1.50 – 10%
This table shows the margin for different sports, indicating the range and percentage for each. These competitive margins make Gamix.bet an attractive option for serious bettors.
Customer Support & Available Languages
Gamix.bet offers robust customer support to ensure players have a smooth betting experience. The platform also supports multiple languages, including English and German.
Gamix.bet’s usability and user experience are highly regarded by German players. The platform’s website is designed to effectively meet the needs of users in Germany. A standout feature of this platform is the extensive variety of eSports it offers. Additionally, the innovative tools available help players make more informed decisions, enhancing the overall experience for German bettors.
Responsible Gambling
Gamix.bet takes its social responsibility seriously by actively promoting safe and responsible gambling practices to prevent addiction. Features like deposit limits, self-exclusion, and time-out options play a significant role in helping users manage their betting behavior effectively.
FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
German players have several options for withdrawing their winnings from their accounts, such as crypto currency and e-wallets.
Gamix.bet offers 24/7 customer support. This guarantees that players in Germany have access to assistance at all times, whether through email or live conversation.
Gamix.bet offers an exciting betting experience with over 50 eSports available for wagering.
At Gamix.bet, you can bet on major events in E-Football, E-Basketball, Tennis, and popular eSports like CS, Dota 2, and League of Legends.