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The withdrawal limit may not suit the preferences of high rollers.
BillyBets Casino combines traditional approaches with modern technology to deliver an outstanding gaming experience. As a platform designed for Irish players, the service caters to the specific demands of this market.
At BillyBets, you can play various casino games to win huge rewards. Irish gamers can also take advantage of loyalty programs and various bonuses to maximize their wagering capacity. You will find all the details about BillyBets right here.
Overview of BillyBets Casino
Irish casino gamers can review BillyBets Casino’s capability through the table given below.
BillyBets Casino Ireland Overview
🌐 Website
📢 Casino Name
BillyBets Casino
🎲 Types of Games Offered
Slots, blackjack, roulette, poker, baccarat, sic bo, dice, and more
📱 Supported Devices
Android, iPhone, PC
💰 Welcome Bonus
200 FS + 100% up to euro 500
💳 Payment Methods
Cards, E-Wallets, Bank Transfers, and Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD Tether)
📞 Customer Support
Available 24/7 (Via Live Chat, Email)
⚠️ License
22-0025 (PAGCOR)
Is Billy Bets Legal?
BillyBets Casino is a legal platform that provides casino gaming services in Ireland under a license issued by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation, no. 22-0025. Casinos are illegal in certain countries, but in Ireland, they can be offered if they obtain a license from a regulator.
Is BillyBets Safe?
Playing at BillyBets Casino is safe and secure, as it operates under the obligations of an official license. Further, the strict verification procedures confirm that players are genuine so that no compromises can be made in terms of their safety. The government’s regulatory framework and casino standards promote a safe playing environment.
The payment system is designed to keep customer information encrypted. Also, the top gaming software providers help maintain high levels of accuracy and reliability.
Bonuses & Promotions at Billy Bets
There are a variety of bonuses and promotions at BillyBets Casino to encourage Irish gamers to engage with the platform. These schemes not only give monetary benefits but also increase your budget capacity. Active players make great use of these rewards, such as welcome bonuses, weekend bonuses, and cashback. Here is a short overview of these schemes.
Bonus Type
👋 Welcome Bonus
100% up to €500 + 200 free spins
🎉 Weekend Reload Bonus
€700 + 50 free spins
📆 Weekly Reload Bonus
50 Free Spins
🔁 Weekly Cashback
15% up to €3,000
💸 Live Cashback
25% up to €200
Along with these points, event bonuses are also given from time to time. There are certain terms and conditions that apply to claiming this bonus.
Welcome Bonus
The welcome bonus is the first and only one-time reward given to new players for making a successful first deposit. Under this promotion, players get a 100% match up to 500 euros in addition to 200 free spins. To qualify for this incentive, make a minimum deposit of 20 euros. Further, the bonus amount must be used 35 times and within ten days of its credit. Five euros is the maximum wager amount. Consult the terms and conditions for further details.
Other User Offers & Promotions at BillyBets
Existing customers can also take advantage of exclusive deals. Many well-known bonuses related to this include weekend reload rewards, weekly reload bonuses, and live cashback.
Weekend Reload Reward: An additional 50 free spins are yours, plus a 50% bonus that can reach €700.
Weekly Reload: Receive 50 free spins every week.
Take advantage of a weekly cashback offer: 15% back on losses up to €3,000.
Live Cashback: Get 25% cashback up to €200 on live casino games.
In the list above, you will find details regarding the benefit amount. If you want to claim the bonus, read through the terms and conditions.
Loyalty Program
The loyalty program is available for active Irish players at BillyBets. This program offers various additional facilities, which may only be available to some members. The BillyBets Casino loyalty program consists of multiple levels, and the range of benefits depends on it.
Under this, you can exchange your casino points for bonuses, free spins, and other rewards. Further, more withdrawal limits are granted, along with personalized offers. Exclusive 24/7 customer chat access is available, and issues are given priority.
Registration Process at Billy Bets Casino
The registration process at BillyBets Casino is very convenient. Irish players can get it done through the following steps:
Go to the official site and press on the “Register” icon. Select the casino option and click choose.
Input your email address and create a password.
On the next step, enter your personal information and click Create an account.
Logging in will provide you with access to your newly created account so you can start playing right away.
Deposit & Withdrawals
There are various methods for making deposits and withdrawals at BillyBets Casino. Here is a quick review with all the essential information.
Financial Provider
Min. – Max. Deposit
Transaction Time
Min. – Max. Withdrawal
Transaction Time
€20 – €2,000
€20 – €3,000
1-3 days
€20 – €3,000
1-3 days
Bank Transfer
€20 – €5,000
1-3 days
€20 – €5,000
1-3 days
30 – 5,000 Euros
60 – 5,000 Euros
1-3 days
20 – 5,000 Euros
20 – 5,000 Euros
1-3 days
20 – 5,000 Euros
20 – 5,000 Euros
1-3 days
USDTether TRC20
20 – 5,000 Euros
Up to several minutes
20 – 5,000 Euros
1-3 days
Note: Due to security concerns, there can be some processing time involved in making a withdrawal.
Limits at BillyBets Casino
To maintain a fair play environment, BillyBets Casino has put some limitations that can prevent unfair practices. Here are some:
The minimum bet amount is 10 euro cents, allowing you to play real money games without much risk.
A minimum deposit of 20 euros is required before starting the game.
The maximum deposit in a single transaction is 5,000 euros.
With wagering bonuses, maximum bets of 5 euros can be made.
These limitations aid in gameplay and ensure a healthy gaming environment.
Software & Range of Games at BillyBets Casino
BillyBets Casino has collaborated with various renowned gaming software providers to ensure top-notch quality and features to enhance your gaming experience. Below are some categories available that are available.
Number of Games Available
🎰 Slots
Here, you can find classic, video, and jackpot slots.
🔴 Live Casino
Real-time casino experience with live dealers, as well as top games, including roulette, baccarat, and more.
💥 Jackpot Games
Games with progressive jackpots allow huge wins.
🎲 Table Games
Traditional casino games include poker, roulette, blackjack, and much more.
🌟 Specialty Games
Exclusive range of scratch cards, bingo, and more.
Live Casino at BillyBets
There are various live casino games at BillyBets where you can enjoy a seamless playing experience like at a traditional casino. Refer to the table below to learn more about them.
Min/Max Bet
♠ Blackjack
Enjoy seamless blackjack with professional live dealers
€1 – €10,000
🛞 Roulette
Traditional roulette with live dealers
€0.50 – €5,000
♣ Baccarat
Set on a rewarding journey with various betting options for baccarat games.
€1 – €7,500
🎩 Monopoly Live
Innovative Monopoly-based live casino experience
€0.10 – €1,000
🂱 Andar Bahar
A type of card game played in live casinos
€0.50 – €2,500
🛞 Crazy Time
Indulge in gaming with multiple bonuses and big potential rewards
€0.10 – €1,000
🔥 Mega Fire Blaze Roulette Live
Innovation in roulette games with unique features
€0.20 – €2,000
10 Most Popular Casino Games at BillyBets Casino
There are thousands of casino games under different categories at BillyBets; however, a few games stand out. The casino has analyzed player behavior and pointed out some popular games in terms of gameplay, graphics, rewards, and more. Here are they:
Cash of Gods;
Joker Cashpot;
Retro Sweets;
Lucky Dwarfs;
Rise of Olympus;
Gladiator Legends;
Majestic King;
36 Coins;
Gold Saloon Roulette;
All these games are from renowned software providers that offer premium gaming experiences through a mix of features.
Sports Betting Options at BillyBets
Besides dealing in casino games, BillyBets also offers sports betting facilities. These allow players to go beyond casino limits and enter the extensive sports arena to win huge prizes. This casino has the following sports betting options:
Football – Betting on major tournaments and leagues.
Tennis – Betting is available in events like the Grand Slam and ATP.
Basketball – Join thousands of players who bet on the NBA, Euro League, and other tournaments.
Hockey – Bet on various regional leagues and multinational events.
eSports – A new segment to bet on popular online games.
BillyBets provides various opportunities to win large rewards in sports gambling through differential tools, analysis, and trends.
Mobile Version of BillyBets Casino
Mobile users can now enjoy BillyBets Casino’s true gaming experience on their smartphones. They can also create shortcuts to the casino and place them on their home screens. Whenever they want to play a game, they can simply click on the shortcut, and the site will open.
On mobile, the site provides a smooth and seamless gaming experience with high-quality graphics and an easy-to-use interface. No matter how small your screen is, your gaming experience will remain consistent.
BillyBets Casino RTP
BillyBets Casino attracts many gambling and casino enthusiasts through an impressive Return to Player (RTP). The platform provides seasonal and regular betters various opportunities to engage in gambling games and earn high returns. Some of the most profitable casino games include slots, poker, live casinos, and sports betting, where you can enjoy 95% – 98% back long-term.
Customer Support and Available Languages at BillyBets
At BillyBets, you can access the customer support system anytime. The customer executives are available 24/7 to give solutions to your issues and grievances.
With BillyBets Casino, you can access the site in multiple languages, making it convenient for players worldwide.
User Experience at BillyBets Casino Ireland
BillyBets facilitates a seamless gaming experience by adopting innovative techniques and developing its platform. Both the mobile version and the websites offer user-friendly interfaces with high-quality graphics and feature enhancements required for a true gaming experience.
Play Responsibly at BillyBets Casino
BillyBets promotes responsible gaming by offering self-restrain features. The system allows players to set deposit limits to avoid financial harm. The session duration reminders advise us to take breaks, promoting anti-addictive behavior. Customer support is available if required. Also, constant upgrades ensure the maintenance of a safe and secure playing environment.
The BillyBets platform offers various methods for withdrawals, making it easy for customers to cash out. Withdrawals can be made through Bitcoin, E-wallet, Bank Transfers, and more, within certain limits. Also, a verification period is involved due to security concerns.
New players can enjoy a seamless gaming experience with offers, including a welcome bonus, first deposit reward, and complimentary free spins. There are some conditions which must be met.
Yes, BillyBets Casino is a licensed platform with many security and safety features to ensure seamless transactions with end-to-end encrypted technologies.
Users can enjoy a range of games that suit their interests and preferences at BillyBets, including live casinos, table games, slots, and online sports betting.