Launched in 2024, Irwin Casino is a newcomer to the Swiss online gambling market. It uses a fairly unconventional yet somehow familiar setup for organizing its impressive range of casino games. If you’re curious, keep reading to find out more about what’s on offer.
Information About Irwin Casino
Before we get to the specifics, here’s a quick look at what Irwin Casino brings to the gambling market:
Does Irwin Casino Operate Legally?
Definitely. As one of the brands owned and operated by the highly respected Galaktika NV, Irwin Casino can legally operate under the license OGL/2024/169/0146 from the Curacao Gaming Control Board.
They also have their headquarters in the same country: Scharlooweg 39 Willemstad, Curaçao.
Is It Safe to Use Irwin Casino?
Irwin Casino is completely safe. Not only does the platform use 128 SSL encryption to prevent anyone from accessing your personal information, but it also has a trusty support team that you can contact about any security concern. The license itself is proof of its full compliance with the safety measures meant to protect you.
Bonuses and Promotions at Irwin Casino
As a player at this online casino, you’ll have the chance to claim a lot of rewards. Most of the promotions are recurring, allowing you to benefit from them continuously.
Welcome Bonus
With the welcome package from Irwin Casino, you’ll be able to get rewards for your first three deposits:
- 1st deposit. 150% up to 570 CHF
- 2nd deposit. Up to 400 free spins
- 3rd deposit. 75% up to 285 CHF
Each of these requires a top-up of at least 19 CHF to qualify.
Other Promotions at Irwin
Once you have fully claimed the welcome promotion, there are still a lot of ways that you can get rewards from Irwin Casino:
- Reload Bonuses. Get a 50% reload and up to 135 free spins, each of which can be claimed once a week. You need to be at least on your fifth deposit to qualify.
- Cashback. Get anywhere from 4% to 20% cashback based on your net losses if your weekly net loss is at least 47.50 CHF. To qualify, your total deposits must be higher than your total withdrawals for the entire time that you’ve had an account.
- Tournaments and Promotions. Irwin Casino runs various tournaments and promotions, including Royal Cash, Spinoverse, and Drops and Wins. At the time of writing, the biggest prize pool is 284,985 CHF.
Just remember, some promotions expire. To see the latest offers, refer to the Promo and Bonuses sections of the site.
Loyalty Program
This casino has a VIP Club, which truly serves as a loyalty program. As soon as you sign up, you’re already at the Light Level. Then, once you’ve made your first deposit and completed all verifications, you get upgraded to Spark. From there, your VIP level will be based on the number of points accumulated over the last 30 days. You need at least 200 points for Flash and 350 for the highest-level Volt. As you climb the levels, you’ll unlock various perks, such as no-limit withdrawals, no-wager promotions, and more.
How to Create Your Account with Irwin Casino
Just follow these steps, and you should be done within five minutes:
You can also connect your Google or Telegram accounts. If you choose Google, you won’t need to do Step 4.
Supported Payment Systems
Compared to other platforms, the options for deposits and withdrawals are fairly limited, as you’ll see below:
Limits at Irwin Casino
The bet limits always depend on the game. However, when we were browsing, we spotted wagers as low as 0.10 CHF and as high as 23,750 CHF. You can deposit as little as 4.75 CHF using crypto. Meanwhile, the maximum you can withdraw per day depends on your VIP level. It starts at 3,790 CHF per day for Light, and it’s unlimited for Volt. The maximum monthly withdrawal is higher than usual at 118,530 CHF and can reach higher if the management allows it.
Software and Range of Games at Irwin Casino
Irwin Casino doesn’t just have the standard Casino and Live Casino pages you’ll find on most gaming platforms. Instead, there are five: Slots, Live Casino, Instant Games, Bonus Buy, and Table Games. Meanwhile, the Provider page lets you see the titles from a specific game studio.
To summarize the offers on the platform, we used the same page categorizations. We eliminated Bonus Buy because only slot games have that feature, so it’s safe to assume that all titles there are under the Slot category.
Then, we sorted the titles by popularity to determine the most popular ones. Check the table below for a quick look at the most important details:
There’s no doubt about the quality of the platform’s gaming library. However, we would like to see them organize the titles better. For example, instead of having a separate Provider page, they could have created a provider filter for each option.
Still, we’re generally happy with the casino gaming provision and the way the titles are presented. After all, you can still sort them by popularity, alphabetically or reverse alphabetically. Their coverage of instant games is also better than what you’ll see on most gaming platforms. It was so refreshing to see Crash and Mine games that are focused on aesthetics, such as Space Meow and Book of Mines.
Live Casino
If you like titles in which a live dealer interacts with you, then check out the site’s Live casino page. Here, you’ll find four sections with exciting titles, including Roulette, Blackjack, Poker, and Game Shows. There’s a fifth category called VIP Casino, but that simply shows titles from the first four with higher table limits.
To help you get a better appreciation of the live casino offer, we have prepared the table below:
It was surprising not to see baccarat titles, as they’re available on most platforms. So, if you prefer those games, you may not enjoy the live casino.
Top 10 Most Popular Games in Irwin Casino
There’s a popular section right on the home page, which we used as the basis for our list. Using that as our reference, the top 10 titles are as follows:
As you can see, these are all slot games. However, we were not sure if these were really the most popular titles across the entire game library because only the Slots page has a Popular category.
Irwin Sports Betting
If you want to take a relatively hands-off approach to betting, there are more than 6,000 events that you can wager on at any given moment. Sixty traditional sports, virtual sports, and eSports are available for you to explore, including:
Competitive odds are offered for every betting market and event! If you consider yourself to have a moderate risk appetite, then you’ll love the cash-out feature. It lets you cut your losses and preserve at least a portion of your wager. The sports betting page is highly organized, and the left panel provides most of the filtering options. You’ll see all the events in the middle and the collapsible bet slip at the bottom right of the screen.
Irwin Mobile Site and App
As this is a newer online casino, we expect there to be a greater focus on the mobile betting market. That’s why the mobile site gets everything right, down to the last detail. Access to various key pages can be found at the bottom of the screen.
If you prefer, there’s also a mobile app for both Android and iOS users. You can install the APK for Android or get the application straight from the Apple App Store.
RTP at Irwin Casino
Unfortunately, Irwin Casino has not shared the RTP data. Therefore, we were left to our own devices to get an estimation. To do this, we went back to the average RTP in every casino section to get the weighted mean. Following our calculation, we were able to come up with a weighted mean of 95.72%.
By most standards, this is considered high. However, remember that the actual number can be completely off-base. The true RTP of an online gaming platform is calculated by dividing the total withdrawal by the total deposit amounts. This also means that you can’t form a reliable judgment of the RTP until the online casino has been around for a while.
Irwin Customer Support Options and Available Languages
We were thoroughly impressed by the range of customer support options available on the platform. Learn more about each below:
All these are available on mobile as well. We were happy to get a quick initial response, but the actual resolution took a little bit longer. However, the agent assigned to us was very helpful.
Still, we appreciate the option to communicate in practically any language within the reach of translation services. However, if you want to speak to a native language speaker, it’s only possible in English, German, and Russian.
User Experience on Irwin Casino
Irwin definitely has a relatively unconventional take on organizing the casino titles. However, everything was easy to find. This includes other major functions like depositing and withdrawing money, reaching out to live support, and browsing the available promotions.
We also appreciate the highly secure signup method that lets you connect your Google email or Telegram account instead of creating a password. This just creates one less potential vulnerability that can be exploited by hackers. Apart from the minor issue of adding a provider filter and removing the provider page, everything’s great!
Responsible Gambling at Irwin Casino
Irwin Casino has a Responsible Gambling Policy page where you’ll see how they protect players from unhealthy gambling practices and stop minors from accessing their site. Although the page tells you about the self-exclusion tool, we hope they will add information about limit-setting options in the future. After browsing around, we were able to identify all supported features at Irwin Casino:
They have comprehensively covered the tools needed, making it easy for you to monitor your gaming activities.
The limit setting features (deposit, loss, wager, and session) can be accessed through your account settings. Meanwhile, you can activate the rest by sending a request to the customer support team.